April 6, 2009

I can't believe the last time I posted was last month. Where have I been!

Life has been steadily moving on at the Johnson-Petryszak household. The weather has finally broke the 50 mark and the sun has shocked us all out of the winter blahs. We've been busy spring cleaning and discovering the joys of working outdoors. Chris has been busy setting up my garden, staining and repainting our decks and other general honey-do list items. Even the kids have enjoyed getting unplugged and took to the outdoors shooting hoops and riding bikes.

Ranen is still very much digging his trumpet. This kid practices every day and can now play a song with noticeable differential notes. It's fricken cool that our little man has found an instrument he likes. Now if only we could get his homework this much attention!

Last week Blake started her music class. I was in the lounge area listening to them beat on drums, giggle, then beat on drums again. At first I was a little unsure if the guy with the Mohawk who had a quiet way about him could work well with kids, but he had them laughing and having fun throughout the entire 45 minutes. Totally worth the cost! Each week they will learn about a new instrument. I wonder what they'll cover this week?

As for me, I'm recovering. Not from the 5K which I was slated to run yesterday but from the crushing blow of shitty knees. I couldn't even run 15 minutes without stopping and limping back home. I bought straps and other knee containing contraptions to help with the pain, but I would rather stop while I still have use of them. The pain tends to go away after a couple of days and quicker still if I don't wear heels. So today I will start swimming. Laps will be easier on the joints and still give me the aerobic workout that I need. But I'm still bummed about the running...

Let's see...what else?

Blake lost a tooth.

Ranen is signing up for his first ever science fair (exploding volcano anyone?).

Thanks to Miss Sara I now have a bike. It needs a few things before hitting the road, but I'm so excited and anxious to do so!

I've been busy knitting. More to come on that later...

1 comment:

  1. yayayayayayaya you got the bike! that makes my little black heart swell with joy! xo.
