February 15, 2008

Happy Post Valentine's Day!

I love Valentines Day. I love the act of giving people something special, or sugar. And lots of it!

For the big day at daycare, B and I made cupcakes. It has become tradition for her to become my big helper. She was super duper excited to try her hand at cracking eggs and amazingly only one tiny shell piece had to be retrieved!

I tried adding aluminum foil balls between the cup and the pan to make them into "heart-cakes"...but they just ended up looking squished. There were no complaints! In the end, the best part was watching B spend time picking out sprinkle colors and carefully planning where they should go.

The biggest surprise was coming back from lunch to see a big box sitting on my desk. My hippie boy spent me flowers...I'm sure I annoyed my co-workers with my delightful disposition the rest of the day!

What a lucky girl am I!

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