July 12, 2008

Oregon Country Fair

For the past two years the whole fam has traveled down to Eugene to partake in the wonders of the Oregon Country Fair. The first year we camped right next to the fair grounds and enjoyed late night festive activities next to campers who loved to put funny aroma's in the air. The following year we cut our visit to two days and camped a bit away. Pleasant, quiet but still tiring. So this year we opted to stay in a hotel on thursday night and attend the fare on a friday when crowds would be manageable.

We listened to music, watched two puppet shows, walked around to all the booths and saw people dressed up like alligators, organic fruit and winged fairies.

The kids got to wear their tie-dye in a very tie-dye friendly area.

And compared to the last two years it was a success...I only made one kid cry and there was only one major tantrum (mine). Sigh. But at least the kids got the memories and we got out of Portland for a day!

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